Interview in French Réponses Magazine

French Réponses Magazine (#370) published a portfolio from The Europeans combined with an interview beautifully spread over ten pages last summer.
Interview in German PHOTONEWS magazine

Damian Zimmermann of the German Photonews Zeitung für Fotografie visited the exhibition Ordinary People. Afterwards, I had a talk with him in the restaurant of Fotomuseum Den Haag.
Interview in culture talk show Pompidou on Radio Klara

Click on the link to listen to the episode where I was interviewed by host Nicky Aerts on Pompidou, Radio Klara’s cultural programme (in Dutch).
Articles in Ad Tubantia and AD Haagse Courant

Interview conducted by AD journalist Nico Heemelaar and published in both the Haagse Courant and Tubantia. On Russia, The Europeans and Borne.
Ordinary People in FD Persoonlijk magazine

Het Financieel Dagblad magazine: “The fascinating thing about Hornstra’s photographs is that, as time passes, what we see on them becomes more and more special.”
VPRO Radio 1 interview Nooit Meer Slapen

I got to join Femke van der Laan in Hilversum in the middle of the night for an hour-long interview about the new exhibition and book Ordinary People, about previous projects and all kinds of other, more personal, backgrounds. Nooit Meer Slapen can be found in any podcast app. In Dutch.
Article in Volkskrant: Mensen van de 21ste eeuw

Extensive 4-page article by Mark Moorman about retrospective book and exhibition in Fotomuseum Den Haag with lots of space for photography in Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant.
Radio 1: Interview Villa VdB

Interview (in Dutch) on Radio 1 Villa VdB with Jurgen van den Berg: Hoe Rob Hornstra de schoonheid in het alledaagse vastlegt.
Article in Trouw: Tentoonstelling Interview

Article by Joke de Wolf in Dutch daily newspaper Trouw: ‘Ik maak gemiddeld vijf goede foto’s per jaar, dus niet alles wat hier hangt is perfect’.
Interview Museumtijdschrift

For Museum magazine, MuseumTV went with me to AAP Lab to interview and film the proces of analogue printing in preparation for the upcoming retrospective exhibition. In Dutch without subtitles.
Interview at Paris Photo

On Thursday 10 November, I will be interviewed as part of the Paris Photo programme Artist Talks by The Eyes by author and independent curator Marc Feustel, amongst others about The Europeans and, in particular, our French-Basque chapter within The Europeans: Notre Maison Ancestrale.
Thursday 10 Nov, 4 pm.
Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris
The artist talks by The Eyes Space
Interview Conscientious Magazine

A long conversation with Joerg Colberg about The Europeans, print sales, education, The Sochi Project, book printing and much more: “The art world is in a major shift from the romantic era towards a new era. That’s fantastic. Why is an insanely expensive framed photograph by, say, Andreas Gursky considered more important in the art world than a free newspaper by Rafal Milach?”
Interview Noordhollands Dagblad / Helderse Courant

Interview around my series of portraits of volunteer clubs and association boards in times of lock down as result of nomination at the Dutch Zilveren Camera Awards.
Interview in German magazine L.Fritz

Interview written by Damian Zimmermann in the great German magazine L.Fritz on the subject of “Krise in der Fotografie”. The link takes you to the author’s page where you can access a PDF of the article (in German).
Article / interview about exhibition Man Next Door in AD Utrechts Nieuwsblad

With only four exhibition days left, a full-page article / interview in the local newspaper AD Utrechts Nieuwsblad. Meanwhile, over 250 people have registered for the coming days. There are few places left on Thursday between 2:30 and 4:30 pm. On Saturday, there are few places available after 5 pm. Sunday still offers the most flexibility. If you want to make a reservation, please send an e-mail to with your preferred day and time.
Exhibition interview on Radio1

On National Radio 1 in conversation with Patrick Lodiers (in Dutch). Please watch/listen the interview via the the link to their website. All time slots for this weekend are gone. You’re welcome to try at the door. Next week Thursday 24 June - Sunday 27 June is last opportunity before demolition. Please send a message via DM or
Exhibition interview on radio station RTV Utrecht

Tonight on Radio M Utrecht in conversation with Jeroen Latijnhouwers (in Dutch). You can listen to the interview via the article on their website. There are a few open slots remaining for tomorrow (Thursday), at 15:30, 17:00 and 18:30. Please send a message via DM or
Exhibition interview featured on Ondiep TV

Local TV station Ondiep made a beautiful item on Man Next Door (in Dutch), the exhibition in the former house of my deceased neighbour Kid. They also included the neighbouring studio sell-out in their coverage. If you would like to book a time slot for the exhibition, please send an email to
Article The Europeans on Calvert Journal

A great article (thank you Diane Smyth) about The Europeans, the new multi-year adventure of writer and filmmaker Arnold van Bruggen and me.
Interview in Uit Agenda Utrecht about FOTODOK Book Club (in Dutch)

In the run-up to the upcoming edition of the FOTODOK Book Club next Thursday, Nynke van Spiegel has interviewed me for Utrecht UIT magazine (in Dutch). In two days will be the first time that you can watch comfortably in your couch anywhere in the world. The FOTODOK Book Club is a live event (also online) and you can purchase an access ticket for 5 euro via The evening is in English.
Conversation with Brad Feuerhelm for Nearest Truth podcast

In episode #116 on photography podcast Nearest Truth, Brad Feuerhelm and I talked about publishing, education, some projects and else…
Podcast interview for The Standout Photographer

The Standout Photographer episode #23: Rob Hornstra on The Importance of Collaborating, Learning by Teaching, Renting Prints & Self Publishing. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or on your favourite podcast platform.
Talkshow: The Art of Politics at Breda Photo

I had the pleasure of joining Ed Kashi, Michal Iwanowski and Todd R Darling in the live talk show The Art of Politics, hosted by Jonathan Groubert during Breda Photo. The interview can be watched in its entirety via the link below.
The Europeans in GUP Magazine

Sixteen pages on our new project The Europeans in the latest issue of GUP Magazine, loaded with a great interview by Daniel Boetker-Smith plus visual reporting on The Europeans.
Join me on Instagram Live @aperturefnd

Join me tomorrow (Saturday) May 9th, 2020 at 8 pm (CET) / 2 pm (CDT) on Instagram Live for a conversation between Lesley A. Martin and me about photobooks and much more!
Interview in daily newspaper De Volkskrant (in Dutch)

Article by Merel Bem in Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant on the occasion of our virtual exhibition The Former Capital: Virtueel wandelen door een Litouwse galerie mét Zwarte Zee.
Interview Kauno Diena

Our first interview in connection with The Europeans was recently published on the website of local newspaper cum collaborative partner Kauna Diena.
Interview in Brazilian Revista Old

Extensive interview with the great magazine Revista Old. If you understand the next sentence, you are most likely able to read the full interview: Rob Hornstra é o entrevistado da OLD Nº 75. Conversamos com ele sobre sua trajetória, mudanças na fotografia documental e seu interesse pelas publicações fotográficas.
MA Photography & Society at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague

Article at British Journal of Photography about the brand new MA Photography & Society starting in September 2018 and lead by Lotte Sprengers, Donald Weber, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin and myself (with others soon to be added): “Understanding and taking responsibility for the impact that an image can have once it is released into the world is a central focus of the MA”.
Interview plus Sochi Singers on Allaccess

Interview and photo series Sochi Singers being featured on ALLACCESS-ONSTAGE, a digital platform focused on the visual side of music.
Article about Man Next Door in Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant

Article written by Mark Moorman in Dutch daily newspaper de Volkskrant: How the addicted neighbour of photographer Rob Hornstra became his subject.
Man Next Door on Vice Creators

Interview / article on Dutch VICE Creators: ‘In 2013 Kids dead body was found in a canal in Utrecht, but in the project Man Next Door he lives on with a wonderful message.’
Reportage about the exhibition opening on RTV Utrecht (Dutch)

RTV Utrecht made a report on the opening of my new exhibition Man Next Door and broadcast the report in the 6 pm. news. You can scroll a little forward, it is the last item in the broadcast.
Interview on Dutch radio about Man Next Door (Dutch)

Radio reporter Inge ter Schure came to Ondiep to talk about my new project Man Next Door. Beautiful item broadcasted in the VPRO radio program ‘Nooit Meer Slapen’.
New project Man Next Door in
AD Utrechts Nieuwsblad

Interview together with Kids sister Miep and his brother Reinier in the light of tomorrow’s book launch and exhibition opening Man Next Door at Centraal Museum in Utrecht.
Interview in local newspaper AD Tubantia

Currently the exhibition The Secret History of Khava Gaisanova and the North Caucasus is on display at the Rijksmuseum Twenthe as part of the Fotomanifestatie Enschede until 7 January 2018. In 2007, Khava’s husband Mukhazhir disappeared, like so many men in the North Caucasus disappear – kidnapped, arrested or simply executed and buried in anonymous graves. The Secret History of Khava Gaisanova paints a grim yet compelling picture of the North Caucasus. Last week local newspaper Tubantia published an interview in connection with this exhibition.
Gesprek radioprogramma
De Ochtend op Radio 1

Op maandagochtend 13 februari ben ik tussen 9:30 en 10:00 uur te gast bij het radioprogramma De Ochtend op Radio 1. Als u naar aanleiding van dit gesprek op de hoogte wilt blijven omtrent het aanstaande boek dat ik publiceer over mijn buurman, stuur dan een email naar Ik neem contact met u op zodra er meer informatie beschikbaar is.
Interview on Russian Bleek Magazine
Фотограф, которому запретили въезд в Россию, рассказывает о том, что делает Путин, об опасностях издательства авангардных фотокниг «за свой счёт» и недооцененных книжных проектах
Interview on
I was interviewed by when I was in Madrid last February for the opening of the exhibition Empty land Promised land, Forbidden land. The interview is now also available online.
Interview on Belarusky Zhurnal in connection with exhibition Minsk
Роб Хорнстра привез на «Месяц фотографии в Минске» свой нашумевший «Проект Сочи» – «Атлас войны и туризма на Кавказе».
Article in Spanish El Pais
El fotógrafo holandés Rob Hornstra muestra su obra documental de cinco años sobre la posguerra en la república de Abjazia
Interview in doc! Photo Magazine
Interview and portfolio The Sochi Project in doc! Photo Magazine. Please click on the link below to read in ISSUU.
Interview in European Photography magazine
Cover and interview by Bill Kouwenhoven about five years Sochi Project, crowdfunding, self-publishing.

The Sochi Project in Polish Gazeta
Interview/article about The Sochi Project in connection with exhibition in Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw featured in Polish newspaper Gazeta
Interview on National Radio
Interview on Dutch National Radio 1 together with writer Arnold van Bruggen.
The Sochi Project on DNA Info 17.01.2014
In connection with the exhibition opening at De Paul Art University an interview by Paul Biasco at DNA Info Chicago.
Interview on WBEZ Radio 17.01.2014
In connection with the opening of The Sochi Project exhibition at De Paul Art Museum an interview by Nari Safavi on Chicago Radio program WBEZ’s Worldview Weekend Passport.
Interview on NPR 16.01.2014
Interview about The Sochi Project on National Public Radio (US) ‘Here and Now’.
Interview in Canadian La Presse 31.12.2013
Interview about The Sochi Project in Canadian La Press: ‘Sotchi: palmiers et misère dans une poudrière’.
Interview on Dutch Radio 23.12.2013
One hour interview on Dutch national radio. Looking back on the bilateral Dutch-Russian Friendship Year and The Sochi Project. Please follow the link to listen (in Dutch).
Interview in Parool 21.12.2013
Interview by Mark Moorman in dutch daily newspaper Het Parool: ‘Fotograaf Rob Hornstra (38) zat opeens in het midden van een diplomatieke storm. Een Moskouse tentoonstelling werd afgelast en een Russisch visum geweigerd. En hij werd ook nog eens vader, dus waar hebben we het eigenlijk over?’
Interview on IdeasTap 15.12.2013
Interview by Tina Remiz on IdeasTap, a creative network: ‘Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen on the Sochi Project, about crowdfunding and working across different platforms…
Interview in Dutch magazine Zuiderlucht 07.12.2013
Interview by Edo Dijksterhuis for Dutch cultural magazine Zuiderlucht.
Interview in Welt Am Sonntag 10.11.2013
Interview about The Sochi Project in German Welt Am Sonntag.

Interview Russian Art Newspaper 01.11.2013
Please follow the link below to read an interview in the Art Newspaper Russia.

Rob at Dutch television 30.10.2013
Please follow the link to view an interview with Rob and also a short impression of the exhibition at FoMu Antwerp.
Interview NRC Cultureel Supplement 30.10.2013
Interview / review about The Sochi Project and the overview exhibition in FoMu Antwerp.

Huffington Post reports on visa refusal 01.10.2013

Interview by Elizabeth Kiem: A Potemkin Village for an Olympic Home
Pauw & Witteman 30.09.2013

Together with Arnold van Bruggen in live talkshow Pauw & Witteman (Dutch)
Interview in Volkskrant V 30.09.2013

Extensive interview in Volkskrant V about The Sochi Project and visa problems.