Portret door Koos Breukel in Het Parool

For daily newspaper Het Parool, photographer Koos Breukel portrays leading figures from the art world At least, according to the newspaper. Thank you Koos!
Ordinary People in NRC

In Beeld in Dutch daily newspaper NRC about Ordinary People: De aangeklede, ingeklede mens, daarom draait het in Hornstra’s overzichtswerk Ordinary People, dat Fotomuseum Den Haag tentoonstelt.
Article on Our Ancestral Home in MediaBask

In the run-up to the exhibition at Station V in Bayonne, MediaBask introduced our project to a broad local audience. Starting next week, this newspaper will publish a full-page portrait of our new work prominently in the paper every month. Very happy with this collaboration!
Next episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
Next episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
Next episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
First episode on local associations in Noordhollands Dagblad

With support of the Steunfonds Freelance Journalisten, Arnold and I have recently worked on an extensive series about local associations in Corona times. From the pigeon club to a Christian men’s choir and from the pinochle association to country and line dancers. How do the numerous associations and clubhouses cope with the absence of community? Over a period of eight weeks, a full-page article on Saturdays in the Noordhollands Dagblad.
Man Next Door in BJP series Great works made from home

As most people - like photographers - have to stay at home, the British Journal of Photography has smartly started a series entitled ‘Great works made from home’. Man Next Door, the series about my early deceased neighbour Kid, is featured in the second episode. From the article: ‘For those of us experiencing extended periods of isolation, the project also takes on a new significance, emphasising the importance of checking in on our neighbours and those in need.’
The Europeans featured on Another Observer

One month ago I was approached by a bloke named Dan Briston, who asked if he could write an article about the work of Arnold van Bruggen and me for his website Another Observer. Yesterday he reported that the article had been published. Well, article… Better a comprehensive essay of more than 5,000 words dealing with almost every topic related to the creation of slow journalism projects like content, organizational structure, funding, social media, photographic style, visual referencing, online exhibitions and yes, even critical comments. Thank you Dan!
Interview in daily newspaper De Volkskrant (in Dutch)

Article by Merel Bem in Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant on the occasion of our virtual exhibition The Former Capital: Virtueel wandelen door een Litouwse galerie mét Zwarte Zee.
De Volkskrants tip van de dag (Dutch).

Our virtual exhibition is de Volkskrant tip of the day for an online doses of art and culture: The Europeans is the intended successor to the renowned The Sochi Project, which among other things developed new ways of presenting documentary photography. For The Europeans, local partners, newspapers and galleries were sought all over Europe. In Lithuania, the first regional publication The Former Capital was to be launched this week, at the same time as the opening of a similar named exhibition in the Kaunas Gallery in Kaunas, the country’s second largest city. This will not happen, but the makers have now created the exhibition online, by virtually recreating the gallery space, including the square in the heart of Kaunas, where the gallery is located.
Man Next Door in Dummy Magazine

My project Man Next Door has been published over 12 pages in the amazing German Dummy Magazine: “Als ihn Hornstra über jahre immer wieder mit der Kamera besuchte, entstand die Dokumention einer vielschichtigen Persönlichkeit”