General Information

Zaur Bigulaev, Khetakhurovo, South Ossetia, 2011.

Zaur Bigulaev, seventy-two, wants to offer us something to drink. We soon understand that he has an ulterior motive: the house is half destroyed. A round hole in the outer wall of the bedroom is covered in plastic. “We’re scared to death that the whole house will fall on our heads,” says Zaur. The house has been declared habitable, however, and so Zaur is not eligible for compensation. No one can help him. His life and his country are without prospects.

From the series: An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus
Original: Medium Format 6x7 negative film
Print technique: Digital c-print
Print size: 35 x 42 cm. (13.8 x 16.5 in.)
Mounting: Aluminum
Frame: Walnut / no glass


Item Price Qty Total
Total () € 127.20